I wanted to make the most of this moment. I have finally sold my car thanks to the combined efforts of half the people I know. The most amazing thing about selling this car is that between the time it was put online and sold was less than a week and we got our asking price. Its nice to have that out of the way. It was kinda stressing me. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. It was so generous of you.
One other thing I wanted to show was how great this picture of my car was. I'm pretty sure they bought because of my amazing photography skills. And possibly the fact that I spent hours detailing the car and putting Armor All on the inside to make it shine, and air fresheners to make it just smell of an island couple of new tires. Yep so thats my exciting news. Now my only worry is that I have to be proficient at driving a stick shift, cause thats what Steve's car is. No biggy. Just something I've never done often enough to be amazing at. Anyway its just great to have less money owed to the world.