Thursday, October 15

Wedding Reception

Beach Bash Photos

This is Steve's volleyball team for the beach bash tournament. They were actually pretty good. They took 2nd place and won a $30 dollar gift card to Agave, the latin fusion restaurant.

Warning the rest of these pictures are just kinda general. I didn't feel like taking pictures of all the students I don't know getting drunk and standing around, so I took landscapes and other randomness. Feel free to continue now.


So we went to Paradise cove again and this time snorkeled. It was the best snorkeling Steve and I have done yet. We saw tons of squishys. (For those of you not into Finding Nemo those are jellyfish.) We also saw tons of huge fish of all sorts of colors and beautiful coral. One type of coral was fire coral which apparently if you step on it it gives you the same feeling as hundreds of fire ants biting you. It was cool. There were some dolphins in the area and some of our friends saw sharks and sting rays. It was a pretty good day. Anyway this is what we did while our friends were snorkeling.

Friday, October 9


I wanted to make the most of this moment. I have finally sold my car thanks to the combined efforts of half the people I know. The most amazing thing about selling this car is that between the time it was put online and sold was less than a week and we got our asking price. Its nice to have that out of the way. It was kinda stressing me. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. It was so generous of you.

One other thing I wanted to show was how great this picture of my car was. I'm pretty sure they bought because of my amazing photography skills. And possibly the fact that I spent hours detailing the car and putting Armor All on the inside to make it shine, and air fresheners to make it just smell of an island couple of new tires. Yep so thats my exciting news. Now my only worry is that I have to be proficient at driving a stick shift, cause thats what Steve's car is. No biggy. Just something I've never done often enough to be amazing at. Anyway its just great to have less money owed to the world.

Wednesday, October 7

The Drama of Keys

So as usual our scooter has issues. After it being worked on twice in a 4 month period you would think it would give us a break but such is life. At the moment it goes 10 miles per hour for the first 5 minutes and then after warming up or dying it will go faster. 20 miles per hour! It dies about once every time we take it anywhere but usually at any spot we have to stop. You know, stop signs stop lights the middle of the road. Its not so bad because so far its always restarted if we kick start it. But its unreliable and we have a few bets on how long it'll last. I'm guessing my birthday. I think Steve said a week before that. Maybe I'll go get it fixed maybe not. It's hard to decide cause we would rather not pour money into a lost cause.

Anyway one other great feature of our scooter was the key. It was bent in a couple laces and sometimes caught in the ignition. So I decided to get it copied just in case it decides to break on us. I guess I shouldn't have waited too long. When they tried to line it up in the machine they broke it. Of course I didn't even notice so when they offered to drive me to every locksmith in town to find the right blank key to copy it. There were no worries. About halfway through the trip I finally realized there had to be to the problem and when we ended up at Ace hardware they tried to line the broken pieces up to. There came the second break in the key. So I ended up back at Kelly's True Value. For hours I waited while they called around trying to help. I was starving because I thought this would be a short trip and after I was so tired I just wanted to go home. So at that point a guy tried lining up the key in the machine and magically made a new key from our broken key parts. It was so so exciting cause it worked and now we have 2 keys and will not have to do that again. So now If I could get someone to fix the dang scooter than life would be just dandy.