So now Steve has officially done an entire Triathlon. Not all at one time but hey these things take time. two summers ago he was supposed to do a whole one but the weather was so bad that the bike part got cut so there was his 2/3 alon. This year some students wanted to do it in a relay so he joined that and did the biking part. They were so great.
This picture has all of the Ross students who competed. They are (left to right) Ashleigh, Lindsey, Mike, John, Steve, and Dan. Great job you guys. This is a great accomplishment.
This is Steve's team they went crazy and did so good. Lindsey swam in the freezing ocean and didn't die. That is definitely the part that would kill me. Steve biked farther than he has ever done before. Luckily the school counselor guy leant him a road bike and it was easier with that. Ours isn't the greatest. And John ran the 5k. This is pretty good for a bunch of med students who sit on their butts most days studying. Its hard to stay in shape.
To add insult to injury they have to run up the sandy beach after swimming to tag their team mate.
Steve got back fast and woot woot our team is on the way.
And here is the final time of all 3 together.
The trophy they didn't get but we all aspire to is the giant golden conch. Pretty freakin amazing. They all got trophy's and medals. It was another triumph to pin on the wall.