Tuesday, December 15

Happy Holidays

Tomorrow I head to Utah for a beautiful snowy christmas. Steve and I spoke in church for the last sunday. He also taught priesthood and I taught the primary kids, so we ended up covering the majority of church. I'm all packed and have all the souvenirs. I sent my barrel off so it will be in Michigan when we get there. And there is barely enough food for a gerbil in the house. So excited to go back to the states. There are so many things that are so convenient there that you never think about until you leave. Like businesses to fix things. (cars scooters electronics) There are normal prices on food. Toilet paper doesn't cost a dollar a roll, usually. I miss the seasons also. The changing colors of the leaves and the first snow. Those are so magical. I will miss the beach though. I went to the beach for the last time yesterday and I realized how relaxing it is. I also snorkeled a bit and saw a barracuda and sea urchins and some other cool fish. I was hoping to find a conch shell, but you can't have everything. The people here are so nice too. Anyway since I'll be busy on vacation and road-tripping it from Utah to Colorado to Chicago, to Saginaw Michigan. this is my christmas post. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and can also take time to remember the true meaning of christmas and all that christ has done for us. And I hope we keep keep the christmas spirit a bit longer so we can treat others as kindred spirits.

Monday, December 7

Merry Christmas From The Tropics

I went with some friends to the Garden of the Groves Christmas fun. There were booths everywhere with stuff to buy and Puppies to adopt from the Humane Society and Santa was there. So all the kids got to sit on Santa's lap. Of course they charged $5 without asking if you wanted the picture. But I sat and took a bunch for one of the friends son. Also Santa's beard was so frizzy in this climate that you could barely make out his eyes. I feel bad for santa having to sit in that outfit here. It was a humid day. Anyway it was quite fun overall. and we saw a heron up close and I was kinda scared to get to close. Birds kinda freak me out. You never know what they might do. I'm terrified of them flying into my face. This is why this picture looks like this :)

We also hung out while it rained with this parrot we'll call francisco for fun. He meowed at us and I thought it was so cute. Then Elena (friends 2-year old) and I got him to bark and he whistled at us and I just love this bird so much. (which I never thought I'd say about a bird.)