Dear Medical School I hope you don't mind but we've decided that getting halfway to graduating is far enough and the amount of debt we've accrued on the way is so high that we just don't want to spend 2 more years living on loans without earning money, so now that Steve has found his true calling we will be opening up our own garage so Steve can spend the rest of his life covered in grime fixing cars while I take care of our 20 kids and help out in the garage by parking the cars and taking pictures.
Anyway because I wrecked the car we have acquired the Jeep Cherokee and it was definitely not in perfect condition as we were prepared to believe since it looked so awesome when we bought it. The "Awesomness" of our car actually hasn't diminished in our eyes since we both love the car, but the amount of money to keep it working would be ridiculous if we keep paying Firestone to fix it so after paying $3500 for the car and $1900 in repairs the car gets all the way to Michigan and wouldn't start. After a few tests and many phone calls Steve decided the Starter had to go so he gets under the car and takes the starter out himself while I sit on the porch reading the online instructions to him. He then rides his bike to Autozone buys a new starter and installs it with ihs new "Everything you need to know about a jeep" book, and I have to say he emerged from under the car victorious.(See below for victorious Steve face) We know have a car that runs and almost always starts! (I say almost always because some times it randomly doesn't but if we wait a few minutes it starts without a problem. Weird, I know.)
Anyway All that crap in the first paragraph was just a random story to make this more interesting. WE are staying happily in Michigan and are excited to continue rotations. First Rotation for Steve here is Psychology. Not favorite but still good to get out of the way since it won't be his area of expertise. And it means that very soon he can start shrinking us all.