Sunday, July 31

Change Of Plans

So I guess this just goes to show that you can never make plans when you go to a school like ross. So today was the day that Steve was supposed to drive to New York for his surgery rotation, but we got a call on friday and found out that the hospital he was going to be at is closing in 90 days and so his rotation is cancelled. It sucks cause now we have to figure out a whole new schedule, but its good because we can save all that money we were gonna spend on rent there and driving there, yay! So Steve gets the week off and is gonna work on his residency application stuff.

Speaking of residency, We were all gung-ho about doing Emergency, but it was getting more and more stressful the longer we thought about it and tried to figure out how in the world we would ever finish up all the things he's required to do for it. So after a lot of stressing and a lot of talks we decided on trying out Radiology and it kinda just seems to be the perfect one for us so I think we're gonna stick with it. Its more competitive than a lot of areas, but we're just gonna go for it and hope for the best!

Also this month since I was gonna be all by my lonesome with Steve in NY we decided to let this other student live with me for a four week rotation she has here. And now its quite the packed house with all 3 of us, but we're getting extra rent money from her and she's getting cheap rent from us so its a win win situation and hopefully none of will hate each other after the four weeks are up. My jobs been going pretty well. I still miss those awesome days of laziness when I didn't work, but I am much happier with a job so its good. Hopefully I'll be able to find something else when I'm done eradicating mosquitoes. Anyway that's our little update.