Saturday, August 27

Tribute to Esther Orchard

 This is my dedication to my wonderful Aunt Esther (Who just so happens to be my grandmother also) who passed away August 18, 2011. She was a wonderful person and the perfect example of optimism in adversity and any other circumstance she was in. I love this crazy lady so much and will miss he more than words could ever describe. One of her attributes that I feel I've inherited from her is her tendency towards bluntness. Of course it wasn't always welcomed at first but inevitably when her advice was taken in consideration she always was just trying to push others to be the best version of themselves they could be. I will also miss her ability to make any day a fun and exciting and how she put others first and made others feel that they were of great value and could always reach their full potential. Playing games was and music were some of the many things she loved and I think she's definitely passed on that love.

Among the many things I learned from her was a great love of animals and she taught me so many things about caring for them in her patient way. I still remember that first day of the wagon train when she asked me to go tie up the horses and I of course did it, but who knew that a granny knot was not a secure way to keep a horse in one spot. After spending quite a while rounding up those horses she preceded to spend the next 10 minutes teaching me the correct way tie horses and made me practice til it was perfect. 

It was also amazing how she would go out of her way to make sure she spent time with me if there was ever an opportunity. She lived on the other side of the country but if she flew somewhere and could make a pit stop in Utah to see family she would do it and make the most of a half hour or couple hours layover. 

Anyway this is sort of getting me into memory lane, but I wanted to share some of my memories.  The second picture down there is during the summer I spent with her helping on her farm and working at another riding stables. It was one of the best summers I've ever had. I cherish every moment I got to spend with her and hope to have many more when I join her on the other side. 

Anyway I was blest with the opportunity to attend her funeral in Kentucky this past week and mourn with our family. It was a great opportunity to get to know more family and help each other deal with our loss. It was wonderful to hear so many testimonies of her well lived life and happiness that she has been able to be reunited with her husband Cecil who passed in 1995. Also another testament of love to her is that the men in the family have continued a family tradition of digging the grave by hand. We truly have a loving family and I am grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group. 

Anyway Aunt Esther we love you and will remember you always and truly one of the best complements I've ever received was that I was like you and can share in some of the joy you've spread to the world!

Saturday, August 20

Chicago Rotation

So last march Steve had a rotation in Chicago for Pathology. I would have gone but we found a good deal on a hotel ($25 a night) and the reviews weren't promising, but when you have no money you take what you can get. So Steve went with out me and I stayed. It was right in the middle of the quilting class I took anyway and it would have been such a waste to not finish the class. (On a totally side note, I still haven't finished the quilt, but the top is done and its super cute. I just have to decide what I want to do to finish and scrape up the money to do it.) I'm so jealous that Steve is getting to go to all these cool places without me, but thats probably how he felt on the island when he had to study I got to explore with the other spouses.

 This is the device Steve uses to spy on the canadians. He's gonna use all his knowledge about them to build a moose robot that will take over the world and teach everyone how to skate and knit. 

 I can't tell if he's using brain control or mind control on those canadians in this one. 

 On our anniversary when we driving to Saginaw for the 1st time we stopped in Chicago and went to see a broadway play called "In the Heights". I had wanted to go skate on one of those outdoor rinks so badly but we were both super ill so we didn't go. Anyway I'm guessing that's the reason Steve took this next picture. One of these days I'm gonna go skate in central park in NY.

 On St. Patrick's day the dump green dye in the river and celebrate with green beers all around. anyway I'm guessing the dye didn't hold too long since Steve said that the water was pretty murky most of the time.

Snowboarding in Vermont

So last winter Steve and our friend Burk decided it would be fun to go play in the snow in Vermont since they have hills and we only have slight inclines here in Michigan. They drove for 12 hours to get there slept a bit snowboarded (Ski in Burk's case) and then drove 12 more. Burk's wife Renuka and I didn't feel it was worth the drive to go. For it wasn't worth it to drive that for to suck at snowboarding. Oh well I'm glad Steve had fun. and here are a few pictures to show how awesome the trip is. 

They actually left right as another snow storm started which would have made the trip even more fun to snow in, but they didn't get to take advantage of it since they had to be back to work at the hospital. 

Friday, August 19

I ♥ Mountains

What are men to rocks and mountains!

 Just joshing ya! I heart Stephen!

Mostly this post is because I miss living in the mountains. Things are beautiful here, but it never is quite the same as being on top of a mountain and seeing all the wonders god has given us.

Smith Family Reunion 2011

So this summer was Steve's parents 50th Anniversary and we had a family reunion to celebrate. Now I'm from a family of 9 and I always thought my family was quite large, but his family takes the cake! There are 11 kids and over 50 grandchildren. It was a massive party the whole time we were there. So much fun. It was also fun cause I feel like I've gotten comfortable with this new family. I always take awhile to adjust to new things, but this family is so awesome that its hard to not fit in. (especially if you are also awesome :)

Part of our reunion was a family talent show and I caught the end of this adorable little dance on video!

Yes I know that I turned the camera sideways and seriously someone should invent a rotate video button. I know I'm not the only one who made this mistake.

Bishop Castle is for some reason a must see when we go to Colorado. Its this crazy castle that this guy that hates drinkers and politics is building.

 That's us living the life leaning on the mini castle/trash can.