Tuesday, February 24

A Little Ziggy Inspiration

This comic is for our flight from St. Marteen to Dominica. We got on the plane very very late. It was a little 20 passenger plane. We were shut in this tiny plane for about 45 min with no ventilation (So so stuffy in that cockpit) while they started either propeller over and over. Which apparently was over heating on both sides. 

Finally they tell us we have to go back to the airport while they try to fix the plane. We unload in the wonderfully fresh air, get on the bus, go back to the airport, wait an hour, when they tell us we can go back. This time the plane is supposedly fixed. But you know once they say its broken you really can't help but being nervous. All of were slightly scared to actually reach Dominica. Luckily they really did fix the plane and we made it ok, but I think the pilot by that time liked messing with us, cause for the landing we kept getting lower and lower headed away from the runway and at the last minute he sharply turns the plane to face the runway. Then we land and after the plane gets its wheels on the ground the plane starts to jerk one way then the other and stops very suddenly. So you see I feel very much that our making it to Dominica alive is some sort of miracle.

Then of course all the taxi drivers on the island feel the need to take us to Ross. But one gets ahold of our whole flights baggage and stuffs it in his van. There was no way we could all fit so we wait in another taxi because the driver keeps telling us we're all going to the same place and keeps telling us its ok as he leaves. I really wasn't sure we'd ever see our luggage again. The drive to anywhere here is so brutal. And putting that on top of minimal sleep makes you sure you may never actually reach your destination, but hey were lucky. God is always looking out for us. We made it to Dominica and had a great weekend before classes started. We even got to go Kyaking. I love it when things work out. 

Monday, February 23

For Want of Water

I just wanted to comment on how great being able to drink water from the tap and not getting sick is. I really took that for granted in the states. I even ventured to be picky about the water there. I really hated city water, but now I see how blessed I was. Here we have to drink filtered water. At the beginning of the semester Steve and I bought a case of water and that is how we survive. We drink the water then refill. 

Now in a perfect world I would take a couple bottles a day to refill on campus, which is where the filter is. But We all know the power of procrastination and its tight grip it holds over the universe. I get lazy of course and by the end of the week there are 10 empty bottles and 2 full. (Except for the one that was never opened. It made a great doorstop.) So that leaves one option for me. It has ended up being a weekly chore of taking a backpack to the annex and filling 8-10 bottles of water and seeing if I can make it up the hill up 4 flights of stairs back into our house without falling over. 

Now some would say Why don't you send Steve for water?He's the man. He's strong and tough and that would clearly fall under his category of tasks. Not so, I say. You see though Steve is strong and the man, if I had sent a few water bottles with him through the week and filled some myself then that would be feasible, but I didn't. So I find this as my challenge. Plus it seems only fair and fun to still be able to carry all that weight and not fall over. I only wish a fellow procrastinater lived near me so I could have some competition in my weekly challenge. I really am grateful that I have a challenge. Things are just too easy for some of us. These types of challenges are the only mile markers we have to still make sure we are still moving forward.

Anyways for anyone who read this, just remember that as serious as this sounds, I really just write this nonsense for my own amusement and anyone else who happens to enjoy is welcome to. All others I would have to tell to ignore the ramblings of an Island Bum.

Saturday, February 21

A Tale of Deep Sorrow

Once there was a shoe, a very good shoe. That wanted to do nothing but give its wearer the freedom of going wherever adventure swept them. But alas it was not to be for always. The soles of these shoes were not so strong as the spirit of adventure and one day they simple could not stay in place to do their task. To sum up this sad tale My Chacos have broken and I now have to buy new ones. My chacos are the best. I recommend them to anyone who loves the outdoors and needs a great shoe. Their so great. I can't wait to get my new ones.

Wednesday, February 18

Screw Spa

We went to Screw Spa where they have sulphur springs that run into man made pools. There were about 8 pools and they were all hoot except one. It was really nice to relax there. The guy that owns the place is pretty cool he has a pet turtle that the Roy kids were playing with and it just chilled out when we held it. So so cute.

There was all this reggae music blasting too. It was a fun atmosphere. Definitely worth the road trip there.

On the way down to the springs there were tons of signs pointing the way. My favorite was the one with the rules on it. 

Trafalgar Falls and Titou Gorge

We hiked to Trafalgar falls which is really popular for the cruise ship's tourists to stop at. They were beautiful. You get to hike through these little pools of hot water to get to the falls, which are cold water. There were 2 falls.  The hike to the falls also includes going over boulders and lots of streams. This is a great hike, though a little rough to get to the falls if you are taking kids, very beautiful.

This is part of the pools we decided to swim in. It was really warm water, like sulphur springs.

On the side of the road there were tons of bottle caps pushed into the rocks spelling out different things. This one says victory and I can't make out the rest, but you can go ahead and give it a try! 

This is Titou Gorge which is so amazing and if I had a water proof camera I could show you how cool it really is. Its this opening into a cave and you swim through to find a water fall on the other end. I wasn't strong enough to swim  through but I saw the water fall before it pushed me away. The under the water there are tons of crabs, but luckily its deep enough you don't have to worry about stepping on them. Oh and by the way the water is so sooo cold. I love that even when the weather is great and hot its still freezing in the water. I can't wait for summer to get here. Then the water will so much warmer or so I hear.

This is the entrance to the cave its hard to get a picture unless you step in the water and I didn't feel like freezing again. but it gets really deep in the water before you get to the entrance.

These water falls were kind of cool because the short one is cold cold cold, and the tall one is kind of warm. 

Thursday, February 12


Unfortunately my camera lost battery power half way through the trip so this was the only picture I got of Fort Shirley. The canons are great for sitting on and pretending to blast the boats out of the water.

These are thorns on these huge trees. They are much longer than rose thorns. 

Marissa is the brave one of the Roys. She was the one grabbing the crabs and running around, then Ben would jump in when he saw all was safe.

So I discovered that if you pick up a hermit crab and shake it a little it'll peak out at you. It's a great crowd pleaser for kids. Plus its cool to see if they can reach your fingers with their pinchers, not so cool if they succeed!

These are the trees with the giant thorns on them. 

On our walk to the Commandant's Quarters we found these giant leaves that were almost bigger than Xiomara. I'm totally contemplating going back for fresh leaves to make into little fairy skirts.