We hiked to Trafalgar falls which is really popular for the cruise ship's tourists to stop at. They were beautiful. You get to hike through these little pools of hot water to get to the falls, which are cold water. There were 2 falls. The hike to the falls also includes going over boulders and lots of streams. This is a great hike, though a little rough to get to the falls if you are taking kids, very beautiful.
This is part of the pools we decided to swim in. It was really warm water, like sulphur springs.
On the side of the road there were tons of bottle caps pushed into the rocks spelling out different things. This one says victory and I can't make out the rest, but you can go ahead and give it a try!
This is Titou Gorge which is so amazing and if I had a water proof camera I could show you how cool it really is. Its this opening into a cave and you swim through to find a water fall on the other end. I wasn't strong enough to swim through but I saw the water fall before it pushed me away. The under the water there are tons of crabs, but luckily its deep enough you don't have to worry about stepping on them. Oh and by the way the water is so sooo cold. I love that even when the weather is great and hot its still freezing in the water. I can't wait for summer to get here. Then the water will so much warmer or so I hear.
This is the entrance to the cave its hard to get a picture unless you step in the water and I didn't feel like freezing again. but it gets really deep in the water before you get to the entrance.
These water falls were kind of cool because the short one is cold cold cold, and the tall one is kind of warm.
I love that first pictures with the rocks and water, I wish I had gotten closer to the falls.