Monday, April 6

A Gassy Situation

So today I was in a cooking mood. Or it may have been a cookie mood. Anyways half way through the cookies I started dinner, and halfway through dinner we ran out of propane gas. Yippee. It just goes to show that you should always be humble. Just yesterday I was telling Jacquelle that we hadn't ran out yet and we probably wouldn't while we were here. Next time I will expect the worst possible scenario and of course we'll have all the propane we can stand. Anyways I packed all the food away and called Steve, and luckily Tina's grocery store had some. For the last month the island has had little to no gas at all. Thats because of the other islands being on strike and coming and taking all our gas. So whenever some one ran out it was a big deal. I mean That is how we cook everything so without we get to eat crackers and peanut butter for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So we were so so lucky and we got gas today and got to cook  dinner and maybe tomorrow I'll get to finishing the cookies, as long as I have some for now!


  1. Well, at least now you KNOW you won't have to get any more before you leave. I'm glad Tina had some and it wasn't a terrible deal. You could have brought the cookies here and we would have helped you eat... I mean cook them.

  2. Wow, I didn't know you were using propane for cooking! That makes me realize how much we take for granted here in the states. I'm glad you were able to find more! Good luck!
    I loved the pictures of you! You're gorgeous!
