The above is the picture on the web of Hurricane Bill. Pretty impressive for our first hurricane. I hope it isn't as destructive as it is impressive.

So we found out that Hurricane Bill is headed up towards Bermuda and we are just prayin at this point that it doesn't interfere with our plans to go home on Saturday. Sadly thats the point of the storm that will most likely effect us. We are supposed to have thunder storms all week. Anyway the news says that in 36 hours Hurricane Bill should be a class 4 major hurricane. We are just gonna hope that all it does is give us some huge waves to go play in. On the map our island is the highest north next to the Florida panhandle (as I've read its called in a trillion weather forecasts. Just want to be accurate!)
Any way remember us and all the other islanders in your prayers! And most likely we'll all get to our vacations and other destinations safely and on time. I hate to be late. (No really I hate tardiness. Why can't people just be on time. Its not that hard. And it is so so rude to keep people waiting especially if you knew you were going to be late and didn't even call.) Sorry thats my rant for this post. I've been getting annoyed about that quite a bit lately. and now that its out in the universe maybe I can get over it and people will start being on time.
By the way, for those of you who didn't know. Steve and I are going home for 2 weeks. 1 in Colorado and one in Utah. And then for good measure I think I might just stay in Utah for another week or 2. It'll be fun to see friends again. and breaking up the semester is always good. So for those of you who happen to be where we're headed see ya soon! So excited to get there.
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