So here I am so excited that without buying any programs I finally found a new way to edit photos on Powerpoint. Yeah for me! I also found new ways to make my blog original so if you see it and like what I've done give me a holler and I'll tell ya how I did it.
I've been so excited to finally get a fall and then we keep getting too busy to enjoy it so finally on sunday while we were at the park with the dogs I decided to take some pictures of us so that we can prove we love fall. I had to set the camera on my shoes and set the timer to get the pictures I wanted but they turned out so great it was worth it. Of course Sophie was no help at all. She would run right in front of the camera right when the timer ran out. Such great timing on her part. She almost trampled the camera in one of her running circles. Silly Dog.
So now its time for a little update on our lives since I've fallen a bit behind on the blog. Steve is now in his OB/GYN Rotation. He likes it alright but the Jury's still out on wether he could ever go into that area. We're leaning towards no. He is doing great though. He is such a dedicated student and he seems to me to do great in school without even trying. (I'm pretty sure he does great because he puts the work into it. Ahh!!! there was my problem in college. You'd think that since I figured out the key to success I could give it another go? NO!) Anyway, Its been really nice living here so close to the hospital that Steve can ride his bike and leave me with a car.
Speaking of which, the Jeep we bought in August is really maybe the best and worst purchase we ever made. So now you know how totally divided we are on selling the thing. So we bought it for $3500 and then proceeded to put in $2000 more of labor for all the things that were wrong with it. Next time we buy used we take it to a mechanic first, duh! Next we got the stupid thing all the way back to Michigan from Atlanta and it was harder to start everytime we tried, so Steve did his first car repair and replaced the starter. (More money down the drain)
Next, the thing just wouldn't start right away everytime. Sometime we were driving it like a stick shift to stop it from dying when we stop. So we took it in to Firestone and they told us to pay another $1000 to fix this car. SO we now know that the car on Blue Book is really only worth $1500 and there is no way we are sinking anymore money into that peice of junk, but we also need a reliable car so we went car shopping and ended up deciding to Lease a 2010 Toyota Corolla which is pretty much amazing and the dealer and warranty cover every expense we'll ever need for it, including oil changes and tires. So we sold the lousy Jeep. Now Steve and I are sad cause the Jeep was both of our High School dream cars, but now we have less stress of things and so we're happy.
Also a little lesson in honesty we've learned;
So Steve and I are both terrible hagglers and salespeople. We both know since we have both had sales jobs and been terrible at it. I sold Cutco and he sold Apex security systems. So we decided that when selling the Jeep not to be dishonest about anything. Steve was totally up front about everything the Jeep would need to be fixed and a few people didn't want it. (I think they really just wanted a 4 wheel drive anyway) But one lady after hearing everything still liked the car cause its one of the few used cars in Michigan that isn't covered in rust. So we got a whopping $2000 for the Jeep and we can pay off a few things we owe money for and sleep a little better at night. We're so glad honesty pays off.
Love the backgroud. Love the park pictures. Love being honest! Way to go!