Tuesday, December 7

A Few Projects Unveiled

So I've been working on a ton of projects lately and I keep finding new ideas and even though I may the the one person in the universe with enough time to commit to projects I am seeming to find it hard to find time to get everything I want to do done, but that's probably just my lazy side I developed on the island talking. Anyway here are a few of the smaller projects I've finished.

First a fun cutesy pin cushion. I have had these pins for years in a little plastic case they came in and everytime I open it the pins would fly all over the place and it was starting to get holes in it so it was definitely time to upgrade. So on the blog Blah To Tada I found directions on how to make one easily. Mine is definitely not as cute and fancy as theirs, but it works so well and I love it. I happened to have the crocheted flower in a bag of yarn just aching to be used and the trim, button and cloth were all random stuff on hand. It took some thinking to find stuffing for it without going to the store, but then looking around there were tons of cloth scraps just sitting around waiting to be thrown away so I just grabbed them all and stuffed a lot of random scraps in and even though its slightly lumpy it really is perfect for me! P.s the one on the left is my creation.
Next I made some house slippers. I've been forever passing those sheepskin slippers in stores and I must admit I do covet them still. Go on admit it you want them too, but who really can afford to spend $100 dollars on the most amazing slippers your feet would ever find a home in. So of course creativity had to help find a substitute for now. I made these slippers and added an extra crocheted piece for the souls and they are pretty comfy and with the accent flower they really can't be beat.  So until I give in and save up my pennies for the real deal these'll have to do. Here is a look at the website I got the idea from; 2 Cute Arts And Crafts
 Next I gave my scriptures a home finally. I used to have a scripture case but it busted when I kept trying to put everything but the kitchen sink in them, so my scriptures are much happier now. This was actually a Relief Society super saturday project. One of the amazing sisters in the ward was doing this seminar and she actually made up the pattern from a few she found online. It was super easy and so cute you really can't go wrong. Plus now my scriptures are so cute I want to remember to read them even more. Yeah for small and simple things to help me get better at reading. Sometimes I almost forget how much I love reading, but it always sucks me back in thankfully. Today I read the last few chapters of Matthew and for some reason I felt like this was the first time ever reading this. It was kind of sad reading about Christ being crucified, but I'm excited to start the next book because it'll start with Jesus birth all over again and I love that I get to read this right around christmas. It'll totally help me remember what the christmas season is all about. (Sorry this is turning into a bit of a journal kinda entry.)
Now this project was finished a while ago, but I've been putting off posting about it cause I'm thinking about changing it a bit. I want to leave the rosette but put a different fabric for everything else. Maybe I will maybe not. Still debating. Either way I really love my new purse. This was an old purse that I kinda outgrew the style, so I took the whole thing apart and used it as the lining and pattern for the new one. I added an extra panel so it would fit my Young Women's binder and now it is huge and fits everything and I love it. I actually got the idea from a pillow I saw on the blog  At Second Street. I want to make the pillow too, but one thing at a time, right! Anyway if anyone needs any help trying out this design let me know cause it wasn't that hard and I love helping others create stuff. 
So thats it for now, but I'm sure I'll be back soon with my next project and life stories.
Happy Holidays Ya'll!