Tuesday, October 4

What's Up Doc!

All righty, here's a quick update on life here. Steve is doing his surgery rotation in West Branch still. He finishes the last week of October and we are looking forward to it a lot a lot. Its getting really tiring him being gone all the time. and He is bored of his new reclusive life, plus there isn't much going on at the hospital most days so that makes it even harder to be so far away. It's about an hours drive. After that he is going to start an Emergency Medicine rotation.

He has decided to do Radiology now but since this rotation is already scheduled we figured he might as well stick with it. He applied the first week of September for residencies and we are now just anxiously waiting for everyone to notice how awesome Steve is and set up interviews. He already has a couple of interviews down in Detroit so thats hopeful. He is doing his calling at church with the 11 year old scouts and loving that. This next week we are looking forward to doing a fun game night with some couples in the ward and going to a local pumpkin patch where they launch pumpkins and sell amazing apple cider!

I was working at the mosquito control until labor day and then I started my new job. The mosquito control director offered e a job at his home staying with his daughter during the day. She is 25 and in a wheel chair and I just hang out with her get her up and ready in the morning and some diaper care. It a pretty nice job. She is pretty much a normal 25 year old with a few minor differences that she has from when she was hit by a car at the age of two. I like working so that I feel like I have something to plan the other things I need to do around. Its also fun cause I get to do crafts with her during the day.

Steve and I are planning on probably staying in Saginaw for Christmas so that we can have time in January for him to schedule and travel to interviews. Then in March we find out if he matches to a residency program and then graduation on June 8th. So this year is mostly just getting through it and making plans for the start of residency which we can't really plan much for since we haven't the slightest clue where we'll be. Anyway those are the highlights and I guess we're doing good. Michigan isn't so bad in the fall. Kinda pretty!

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