It rains and you get wet is one of the simple truths of life, but what about the other variations. for instance it rains and you ride your scooter and you get drenched. not just a little damp but to the skin soaking dripping wet. Ok, thats what happened today. I dropped STeve off at school today and we were so lucky cause we barely got sprinkled on, but my luck is lets say pretty stinkin' awful. 1 block away from the school and it was coming down so hard that I was already completely soaked through. by the time I was halfway home My sunglasses we're covered in water making visibility pretty rough and my contacts kept sliding on my eyes making me blink a lot so I couldn't see much at all. All I could think of was getting home. I don't want to sit out the rain huddled shivering under a tree that wouldn't have sheltered me anyway and then the scooter probably wouldn't have restarted so the best bet was back roads and just keep on truckin'. I made it if that isn't already apparent and I probable made puddles in the elevator and the hall and in the couple of spots I hung my clothes to dry. One of these days I'll go with my gut feeling and just wait out the rain. That was my initial thought when I was dropping Steve off, but I tend to just keep on moving without thinking and there is the trouble so I guess I can get what I deserve. Anyway I now am grateful for dry clothes and being on an island cause it warms up here fast.