Saturday, July 25


I know what you're thinking (thats right I'm psychic and good looking!) We're here for Medical School. You should be studying. Oh wait I'm not. I'm just playing while Steve studies. We have a bowling alley. So so great. I'm not an amazing bowler. Even though I took lessons (no mocking) and my thumb got stuck in the ball on release. Yep I dented the floor. But bowling is fun It doesn't matter if you can't stay consistent. I mean I know I have the skill required to bowl a strike but my mind and arm don't seem to be speaking so I end to be hit and miss. The only experience I can think of when bowling wasn't fun was a forced double date at 16 with a creepy guy who was younger than me and friendly then I can appreciate. When you're that nervous its gets a bit warm and sweaty! So to segue back to the topic. A group of us went bowling and it was a blast. we went one day just the girls and kids, but then we came back dragging the guys. which wasn't hard, since insanity is easy if you don't take a break sometimes. we had to watch out for kids when you bowl cause walking into them or hitting them with a ball could be slightly tramatic, but I just love to be bowling. The only thing that could make this alley better would be black lights and a disco ball. I love civilization. If I didn't say so before there really is something to be said about being in normal place to live. Well as normal as this crazy school lets us!

1 comment:

  1. We love going bowling!! Hope you guys had fun.
    Love Emma & Kaydee
