Saturday, July 25

Tam I Am

I just like to post pictures of us together, cause they don't happen so often. Of course there are all the wedding pics but we haven't even seen all those yet. Thats what happens when you high tail it to an island right after the wedding. At least we got to see the snow for a bit before we left. I even got to try out snowboarding for a day. I have to say I suck but its not unexpected on a 1st time. I was lucky I had Steve patiently teaching me even when I was frustrated and Hannah hanging with me when we were so so freezing. It was in the negatives there or maybe just really close either way I was so cold. And after the wedding we went to Park City and just rested from our vacation. It was so pretty up there. I love the beautiful snowy lodges and when the snow falls its magical. Park City really is great. I can see why the stars make their way there. I even saw Paris Hilton there. Crazy! Anyway I guess I'm just rambling and trying to say I miss the Snow and the autumn. I miss seeing the beautiful leaves change color. My friends in Salt Lake and me started driving up past Park City and taking pictures of all the beautiful countryside up there. They have all these little swiss looking villas. Its like you're in the alps. Love it. I can't wait for (Hopefully) Michigan and the Snow. I don't care if I turn into a popsicle. I want snow and snow music. (I know thats not a genre but I have my own definition of it) I started driving in the avenues above Salt Lake when it snowed so I could see all the beautiful houses in the snow and I would listen to Frou Frou, Imogen Heap, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli, and some chirstmas music. It was magical and I always felt like nothing bad could happen when it was like that. I LOVE SNOW!

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