Monday, September 28

The Lake Hike

Steve wanted to show me a place where he used to love to rock climb so we decided to hike. It was a pretty nice hike. I've decided that Colorado is so very beautiful if you go to the right places. Denise and Philip's family came up so they could fish on the lake so we had Ammon and Audrey hike up with us.

I swear these kids are mountain goats. They are such good hikers and they never whine. I think its actually cause they never get tired. They have the most energy I've ever seen in kids. It was fun taking them along.

STEVE: I love Daisies. (for future notice :)

We found this really cool shelter up there. If we had to stay overnight for some reason. I call this shelter. Must of been indians up here!

Another Steve face.

Ok so you saw all the good stuff about the hike. Now for one of the reasons I'm slowly loosing my nerves. We went down into the gully with a fair amount of climbing, but there wasn't a super clear way up. So we decided that we would climb up some boulders. They were probably 10-11 feet high. Steve helped me and the kids up then as he climbed up the craziness begins. So apparently you can't trust a solid rock when you see one. the rock his top hand had grabbed was solidly part of the boulder and as soon as his weight was on it, it came off and landed on his other hand which he just had to keep holding on to the boulder with so he didn't crash and burn on the rocks below. So now Steve has a gash in his hand and he's stuck below the boulders which we have no easy way of getting back to. To sum up he almost passed out and for a bit he couldn't hear everything around him correctly. We had to wait about 10 minutes for him to be able to stand. This whole time I've kinda had a mild break down of worry. So we wait and finally he's well enough to try and climb up. It was quite nerve breaking for me. I hate when things like this happen. Luckily it turned out all right. We had to go into town anyway so I drove and we got some super glue and glued his finger together. His finger bled that entire day. It was so deep he said he could see the nerve. A little deeper and it may have cut it. That would have been really bad. Even after the super glue blood bubbled through. I'm glad its over though. I think we may wait a bit before we rock climb again. can't even trust the rock. Luckily Steve now has his fingered un-swelled and useful again. I think his guitar playing rehab was quite helpful.

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