Monday, September 28

Nickelmania Nostalgia

This is one of my favorite activities my friends have come up with. It all started on my birthday 2 years ago. It ended up being what we did for everyone's birthday for the rest of the year. We go to Nickelmania and play games. It has something for everyone and we always make sure to win as many tickets as possible. Then after we pooled our tickets together we would buy a gift with them for whoever was having a birthday and use the rest for candy. It was such a fun way to see all my friends and just have fun like we always used to.
This is a new friend. Sarah is so good at Guitar Hero. Kinda sad she had to play with me. This was my 3rd time playing. I've decided I likes it!

Steve Bayles (not to be mixed up with my Steve) spent most of his nickels on Donkey Kong. This game is so so hard. Its almost impossible to get to level 3. But to be honest these games really aren't the same with out a controller in your hand.

This is my old room mate who I haven't seen since I got married and now she's married too.

I must imply strongly that I love to bowl. This game is the funnest one if you are trying to win tickets. Lon knows good quality.

Last time we played with the soccer ball game more. The goal is to kick it as hard as you can.

Love those tickets!

Now kids remember what your mom and pop said; Don't drink and drive. Also as a side note I paid for that can of soda entirely in nickels.

Prim and proper Liz is always a hoot.

This one is funny case before Lon got on the Alligator he put a nickel in the airplane and gave Amber a fright. She was laughing so hard that I'm surprised she didn't fall out.

Why do people insist on giving me dumb looks when I take their pictures. These 2 might be my favorite people in Salt Lake. They definitely entertain me.

All of the crew new and old. This isn't the whole group that used to play some have gone and got married and have moved past this insanity some just are too good for us now, but no matter what we all do there are always people willing to play.

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