This Sunday on our walk we went to the beach and happened on some huge waves. Some friends were out there surfing so we had to take some video feed of it. It was pretty cool. I don't know if I could do it, but I think Steve is ready to go. It was a pretty great sunday.
Monday, March 30
Sand Volleyball
Good ol' River
Went down to the river last thursday. It was just more proof of how much this place reminds me of Kentucky. Its rainy randomly, its humid, It smells like mold and cow, It is muddy and leafy green and the bugs are superhuman. Despite those qualities I like the island and in Kentucky. I must be glutton for punishment.
Small Island Charm
Most streets here have no signs on them. You would never know we lived on Moo Cow Trail. But this road for some reason is host to multiple signs. The only problem is that Grammar is not Dominica's strong point. Have a read and enjoy. I know I do every time I see them.
So the gym at Ross is quite a piece of work. They sure make you work for it. As if working out isn't bad enough, they expect you to climb up all these stairs after to make sure your workout is thorough. So get in shape or you won't make it back to school. Or worse home! I guess I shouldn't complain I rarely go there because gyms are awful, but they also put the SGA there too. That where the ping pong tables are and the pool tables and fooseball and the movies you can rent. Its just wrong. I vote they put in an escalator, but it would probably rust over and be way out of the Ross budget so I guess we live on and deal with life's lovely little quirks.
Wednesday, March 25
Looking for a sign... this is not it!
My Finding Nemo moment
This week we decided to go to PBH Beach. It's right here in Picard close to campus and directly in front of the PBH restaurant. It is also where the pier is. And let me tell you the glory of this pier is far to grand to give even the tiniest bit of mention. but for kicks I'll mention it, cause hey if I don't anyone who doesn't live here will never know. So last October this is actually where Steve "officially" proposed, but since a hurricane has ripped it apart. So the pier goes out about 20 feet and then you can look out and see where it was supposed to keep going and the birds have now taken over. I also should mention that the part that is still in good shape is missing boards and quite frightening to walk on except that we did anyways, including the kids.
Chelsie has now become the official sand ball maker. She's so good at it. A little while later is was thrown carelessly into the sea. It really is harder to make than it looks. I mean how much sticky quality does sand have? Not much but with water it works but its still a delicate art and I prefer to be a spectator in this particular one.
This is my Finding Nemo moment. Ya know when the seagulls see something to eat and they're like "Mine mine mine" Yep that's what these birds remind me of. It was kinda cool to see a pelican out there too. I personally think pelicans are evil. Have you ever looked in their eyes. They are scary with that giant beak and their long neck and wee beady eyes. I would of course need to leave my exception because I have Lester, the pelican, at the Slc Aviary that I decided wasn't so bad last summer. He was cute and always sat by the bridge when I came to check my mosquito traps. So I of course named him and started chatting it up with him whenever I saw him. Ah, those were the days :)
And I didn't mention that we did some snorkeling that day too. It's pretty cool to see all the fish. I like snorkeling a lot but I kinda panic in deep water so I might need to tie a life preserver to my leg so I can save myself sometimes. It's really no fun snorkeling unless you go deeper and if you stay close to the cement posts of the pier you see more colorful fish. I'd say its pretty dang cool.
One more thing about this pelican. I think it wanted to eat Chelsie. It kept getting closer and closer. And hey look at that guy. He just screams killer. Attack! Attack!
I love kids! In case people haven't noticed, they're my favorite. I think its funny that scooting around in the sand making a track and getting tons of sand in your bathing suit are the only elements needed for fun in a kids life sometimes. If only we could all be that simple.
Monday, March 23
My little guilt confession
So I just wanted to apologize that most of the pictures are of things I do and not Steve. I guess I can go to campus and take a picture of him studying its just that its a one time thing. I mean it doesn't have a ton of versatility to it. I also feel guilty because I finally did get pictures of Steve playing volleyball on the intramurals team and they were great pictures. Some really cool saves and spikes and grotesque faces and then I was backing up some files and the pictures got lost in the shuffle. Some day I hope he'll play another game so I can make up for that, but until then I can't promise having tons of pictures of him. Also I apologize for all the pictures of other peoples kids. But they are darn cute. And when I hang out with people with kids. I usually end up with the kids, cause they are usually the funnest part and the most tiring!
Saturday, March 21
Lazy hazy Sunday
So Steve and I went on a sunday walk and I took some random pictures, all just for fun. It was just a random sunday. I get sick of taking the sunday nap, which apparently is called the 4th hour of church. I'd never heard that one before but its fitting, because I called a bunch of people yesterday and non one answered because they were in this 4th hour. I must be freakish but I'm not huge into naps. Only when necessary, I say. I wonder if this 4th hour is doctrine :) Its interesting and apparently an essential for most. Anyways this is month 3 for me on this island. Not a ton to report to the world except that life is a cookie and by the way. I made root beer cookies yesterday and they're pretty good, and I found out that you don't have to have dry ice to make root beer. Yeast is a perfect substitute and I plan on trying this out.
This is Steve's official pout face. Isn't it lovely! Sometimes its followed by a sound. (Compliments of our friend Shane!)
Tuesday, March 17
Pi Night 2009

So this holiday is less celebrated by the world. March 14 hapens to coincide with the mathematical symbol Pi. (3.14 3-14) So a few years ago some of my friends at Snow college back in Utah starting celebrating by eating pie. Yes I know what you're thinking. These friends were smarties or geeks or whatever. There was a mix of math, physics, computer, and science majors. They really are the best kind of friends a person could ask for. Along with Pi night we celebrated Shakira's Birthday and just had Shakira parties at random and we had DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) parties. Some times we even mixed the 3 and had the best parties of all. Ah those were the good days. Anyways since Snow college its been fun to hear how far accross the states we have spread our Pi night tradition and this year we have gone international and celebrated here in Dominica.
So the gist is that all are invited to bring a pie to our party and then some very official judges will taste every pie and choose which ones are the best so they may receive a prestigious prize. Then of course we eat the pie. I'm pretty sure that that is the part that actually gets people to attend this event. Cause who doesn't love being confronted by multiple pies and get to eat all they want.
This is my Smore pie. My sisters used to make this. I didn't have a recipe so I winged it, but it was very rich and tasted like smores so I think it was a success.
This year we were so lucky to have Jacquelle as our hostess. She has such an amazing house. and it was so nice of her to let us have pie night there.
Beside my pie is the chess pie Heather brought. It was so good. It tasted like a brownie but richer.
HEre are some of our guys working off the pie :)

Geno just is having so much fun she can't stop glaring at me. I seem to have that effect on people. And have to say I'm so so proud to have used it on her!
These 2 are our pie judges and they ended up having to chooses 2 pies. 1 cold one, 1 warm one. The winners were Geno's Apple pie and Jaquelle's coconut cream pie.
Lets not forget the cheesecake that Dave made in his sleep!
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