So I went to Cabrits with Jaquelle and her kids again and we hiked around. Its a really cool place. Every time I go we find new things to look at and its always fun to sit on the cannons. I also let the kids do a little picture taking with my camera and they are not too bad. It also means I'm in a lot more pictures. Sorry to everyone who has phobias of looking at my face. Too bad!
This was funny because Xiomara was all lookin at me like I'm so cool, but when she gets older and sees this she'll be like Who's the freak!
This is an actual picture of the commandants quarters. I think I forgot to get a good picture of it last time.
There are supposedly a ton of snakes around this place, but this is my first time seeing any. They blend in so well. It looked a lot like the sticks around it.

If I ever write a fairytale I'm going to put this tree in it. It is so beautiful. the gold color really stands out in the forest of dark brown trees.
This is the Battery. That is totally incased in vines. A great place for snakes to slither unseen.
There were vines that you could walk through too. Kinda fun. But not quite strong enough to swing through like George of the jungle or Tarzan.
Must be Autumn time in Dominica. There are beautiful crunchy leaves all over the beautiful forest path. The best thing about Autumn is crunchy leaves. and the stormy weather. Its so fun to see the clouds roll in and know its almost pumpkin carving time. and turkey feasting day. It feels like that in Dominica at least once a week.
I really can't get over how beautiful these trees are.
This is the beautiful look out into Douglas Bay. The water had the coolest shades of blue in it. I usually can't capture them in my camera, but I caught them this time and they pwitty!
This is our lunch tree. Its so shady and perfect for after the rest of the hike to relax under.
Watch out! We got a rogue Cannon. Ride that Bull. And then Ben didn't take the hint. (It's ok he's young. maybe next year I'll turn him into a rodeo clown.)
Fantastico pictures and great trip, again! Thanks for going with us and having fun with my kids! You're a super star!