So this holiday is less celebrated by the world. March 14 hapens to coincide with the mathematical symbol Pi. (3.14 3-14) So a few years ago some of my friends at Snow college back in Utah starting celebrating by eating pie. Yes I know what you're thinking. These friends were smarties or geeks or whatever. There was a mix of math, physics, computer, and science majors. They really are the best kind of friends a person could ask for. Along with Pi night we celebrated Shakira's Birthday and just had Shakira parties at random and we had DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) parties. Some times we even mixed the 3 and had the best parties of all. Ah those were the good days. Anyways since Snow college its been fun to hear how far accross the states we have spread our Pi night tradition and this year we have gone international and celebrated here in Dominica.
So the gist is that all are invited to bring a pie to our party and then some very official judges will taste every pie and choose which ones are the best so they may receive a prestigious prize. Then of course we eat the pie. I'm pretty sure that that is the part that actually gets people to attend this event. Cause who doesn't love being confronted by multiple pies and get to eat all they want.
This is my Smore pie. My sisters used to make this. I didn't have a recipe so I winged it, but it was very rich and tasted like smores so I think it was a success.
This year we were so lucky to have Jacquelle as our hostess. She has such an amazing house. and it was so nice of her to let us have pie night there.
Beside my pie is the chess pie Heather brought. It was so good. It tasted like a brownie but richer.
HEre are some of our guys working off the pie :)

Geno just is having so much fun she can't stop glaring at me. I seem to have that effect on people. And have to say I'm so so proud to have used it on her!
These 2 are our pie judges and they ended up having to chooses 2 pies. 1 cold one, 1 warm one. The winners were Geno's Apple pie and Jaquelle's coconut cream pie.
Lets not forget the cheesecake that Dave made in his sleep!
So when are we going to do it again? It was fun and yummy and my husband would like to attend the next one (since he's still a little sad he missed this one, thanks (or no thanks) to me). Anyway, thanks for sharing the holiday wiht us!