Monday, March 23

My little guilt confession

So I just wanted to apologize that most of the pictures are of things I do and not Steve. I guess I can go to campus and take a picture of him studying its just that its a one time thing. I mean it doesn't have a ton of versatility to it. I also feel guilty because I finally did get pictures of Steve playing volleyball on the intramurals team and they were great pictures. Some really cool saves and spikes and grotesque faces and then I was backing up some files and the pictures got lost in the shuffle. Some day I hope he'll play another game so  I can make up for that, but until then I can't promise having tons of pictures of him. Also I apologize for all the pictures of other peoples kids. But they are darn cute. And when I hang out with people with kids. I usually end up with the kids, cause they are usually the funnest part and the most tiring!

1 comment:

  1. So funny! I always wonder if people will believe that I actually live here too, because all the fun pics are of Nick and Kenley going on hikes, at the beach, etc. Not only that, but it seems like the only thing I have going on in my life is school, so that's all I blog about. I'm trying hard to find more blogworthy things to talk about. One of these days I am going to make Nick take pictures of me studying, just so our family and friends believe that I am really here :)
