Wednesday, May 16

Last Days of Saginaw and Medical School!

So for those of you who don't know.  We are no longer slumming in Saginaw. Not to say that Saginaw is all slums, but where we lived it kinda was. Most of our friends lived in the nice areas. Those lucky ducks. Though if you think about it we were paying sometimes half of what others were in rent and we were pretty happy with our house and so maybe we were the lucky ones! Anyway we are now in Canon City Colorado living in Steve's brother's basement. Shh, don't tell him. What he doesn't know doesn't matter :) we have a break from the beginning of April to the end of May and opted to spend it all with Steve's family who willingly are adopting us as the strays we are. Here are a few pictures from the last few fun days in Saginaw MI. P.s. if you're expecting pictures of us packing and hauling stuff to a trailer you are going to be disappointed, sorry. 

The above is me and one of my favorite people ever Jessica Larsen. She is the cutest most amazing girl in the world and coincidentally introduced me to my knew addiction, Zumba! I was attending a zumba class by Miss Sarah Fechter who I think is also amazing. I totally become a groupy and was getting a little stalkerish up until I moved. Go to her class find out her amazing story and fall in love. It was a little sad leaving there cause this girl totally could have whipped my butt into shape. Me willingly getting in shape is a miraculous thing so that says how awesome she is in itself. 

So to move on I now want to become a Zumba instructor and teach my own class since I can't go to her's any longer and her's is the best thats the next best thing. I now her routines by heart and am ready Life Upgrade and get myself healthy. With this new change in life. I'm trying to eat healthier and eat less junk which has never been my motto before. So if I make it back to Michigan and can still fit in my clothes I'll be starting all over with new meals and a healthier cleaner me!
 I was lucky enough to be in the Young Women's program in my ward and can honestly say I wasn't much of a role model but I made some awesome friends in the leaders and girls. I ♥ teenage girls! They really are the funnest and a great way to keep yourself feeling young! Hang out with a bunch of teenage girls and you'll never be the same!

This was our last party with our Medical School graduation which is in like 3 weeks Woot Woot! We had so much fun with these guys. This is the cream of the crop at our school and we wouldn't have it any other way! So sad that we're all going our separate ways after 4 years we've definitely made some awesome friends. But then I doubt any of us would go back to school just to be with friends. Starting residency and being actual doctors is going to be awesome!!!