Thursday, October 15


So we went to Paradise cove again and this time snorkeled. It was the best snorkeling Steve and I have done yet. We saw tons of squishys. (For those of you not into Finding Nemo those are jellyfish.) We also saw tons of huge fish of all sorts of colors and beautiful coral. One type of coral was fire coral which apparently if you step on it it gives you the same feeling as hundreds of fire ants biting you. It was cool. There were some dolphins in the area and some of our friends saw sharks and sting rays. It was a pretty good day. Anyway this is what we did while our friends were snorkeling.


  1. Sounds like some sweet snorkeling! Hey, could you grab me a jar of sand? I'd like to have it in Michigan to compare it with the dark sands I have collected on our island. Thanks. I don't need a hug jar - I'm using Ragu Pizza sauce jars
