Thursday, March 3

A Few Lingering Thoughts

 So I just wanted to post some animals I made for my nephews and niece. I was so bored making these animals for no reason at all, but then I thought to make them for family and it was fun again. Plus when the owl turned out so freakin awesome I couldn't help but be overjoyed. I've discovered that I actually really love hand sewing things. Its fun and a bit relaxing for me. I did the detail on the scarf on the puppy too. I just love plaid.  
 This is my awesome flower I made for my only niece Lana. It was out of an old shirt and it kinda makes me wish that I was little again so I could where cute stuff like that. 
Anyway. I felt like posting just so anyone I don't happen to talk to that reads this blog (yep all 5 of you) knows that Steve and I are alive over here in the flatlands. Also I did get the mosquito Abatement job like I sorta hoped and sorta dreaded. I am going to be the educational Assistant. So the good news is that I get to work during the day and see Steve as long as he's here. The bad news is gosh durn it all I don't get to have fun in NYC. At least not until October when my job ends. 

I also wanted the world to know that I think toothbrush holders are disgusting. I think its very unsanitary for toothbrushes to touch when they go in different peoples mouths and I wish someone would think of a solution to this. Of course our solution is having an awesome electric one, but whenever I go in someone's bathroom and see toothbrush holders it makes me cringe. 

My other big thing is taking the blender completely apart to wash it. I never knew people didn't until I saw a roommate just washing it out all together. I think its impossible to get completely clean that way and refuse to use other peoples blender cause its just gross. Now that I'm reading all this written down I'm kinda coming off as a germophob, but I do live with a medical Student so I should probably be much worse. (Sadly I've felt this way about both things much longer than I've known Steve.) Anyway thats about it. Just wanted to vent about random pet peeves tonight. Hope it was mildly interesting otherwise I'm just sorry your still reading. Have a good night.


  1. I love reading your posts, Tamara!

  2. I second what Becky said! I'll have to commission you to make my son some cute animals!

  3. They ought to come up with a way to sterile a toothbrush that won't affect you when you use it. I don't like the idea of sharing toothpaste with someone. I totally get the blender thing- that's why I keep mine in my room when we were roommates.
    Here's one for ya- church pianos who cleans them?, do they ever get cleaned?

  4. I totally get that Suzanne. Church pianos can get gross but at least you can wash your hands after. When we lived together was definitely my blender pet peeve eye opener. Now I wash my own and take such satisfaction in always knowing its clean. :) Oh and thanks Becky and Jackie (Sorry I'm not sure how you shorten your name) You guys sure are sweet.
