Tuesday, October 19

Job to Job to Job

So the picture has nothing to do with this post, but my inability to post without a picture made me choose this random cute picture of my mom/sister's dog.

Anyway I thought I'd give a little info on my crazy job hunting life here in Saginaw. And yes it is crazy sometimes I feel like its all totally pointless and then something comes along and for a second its all good. So I've been applying to every job that is open in this area. And yes I mean every singly job I could possibly ever do. And so here is how it started. I sent in an application to Joann's Fabric store cause the manager is a member so I thought that might help me, but when I went in I was asking for her sister cause I don't know either of them well and it was all a bit confusing til I finally figured out who I was really looking for, but by that time I looked completely idiotic and was so off balance that I didn't make a great impression. I'm pretty sure that's not going to work out.

Then I was applying to all these jobs and a preschool job is open but they want a background check sent to the state and back and it took so very long that I just got it back (this is 3 weeks later) and so I took that in and the lady was all ok now you have to do a TB test and its so frustrating since she could have told me that in the first place. but now that I have that done and turned in maybe she'll call me and give me a job, but if she doesn't I am going to be so mad cause I have been jumping through all these hoops for her.

In the mean time one job I applied to was to be a flagger for construction and I didn't really think I would get that since I'm not getting anything else, but they offered me the job and so I took it even though its only until the weather turns sour. The problem with this job is that you have to call in every blasted day to find out if you work the next day and since I keep needing days off to take care of the preschool job stuff and doctors appointments they are being kinda jerks to me. I asked for one day off and now they won't schedule me for anything and the lady that talks on the phone is so rude and condescending. ERG! But at the same time I don't want to work there. Its the worst job I've ever had and I hate standing on the side of the road trying to find ways to entertain myself and not make eye contact with the people I stop on the road. (Plus it is so cold now I come home a human popsicle.) Do here's hoping the preschool job works out cause I hate "with every fiber of my being" being a flagger.

Ok so there you are the job situation is complicated but some day maybe I will be employed. And all this work will not be in vain and me and Steve will someday hopefully before we die get out of debt. Though it'll be a long time since we are in medical school but that's what we signed up for so "se la vie."

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