Monday, February 7

Desk Redo

So I don't have any great pictures of the desk before I redid it, but that's mostly because it wasn't great before. It looked more like a desk you'd find in a dorm room. Steve really really hated it and I tolerated it. So finally decided to try and make it a little prettier. I took the top shelves off and that made such a huge difference that I almost just left it like that, but I still wanted it to prettier and Steve flat out told me he didn't care what I did with hit cause it is mine and not his. So I first sanded it and I was so very lucky that my friend has a power sander, cause it would've taken forever. Then I painted it this light teal. It was actually really pretty after 2 coats of that so I almost just left it like that. Then I took some scrapbook paper and mod podged it to the top of the desk to look kinda like tiles. It came out so awesome that I can't believe it worked, Seriously most of my decorating and craft ideas are things I've seen other people do and liked, but I haven't seen anyone do this before. I was just thinking randomly of fun things to do to the desk and this popped into my head. After that I decided to glaze it. I'm still not sure if that was the best plan. I think I may have put too much on, but it still turned out good so I'm happy. And Steve doesn't hate the desk anymore.


  1. i like the "tile" look. Super cute! Go check out the dresser I just redid -

  2. Congratulations on another job well done! I guess we'll see it on Thursday!
