Tuesday, November 3

The Golden Birthday

K so this year was my 25th birthday and because My birthday is on the 25th it oh so golden. It was a pretty great birthday. I mean Steve took me to the Bahamas for my birthday. Actually funnily enough we did the whole tourist thing and stayed at the Our Lucaya Resort Hotel. It is this really cool hotel I've posted pictures of before. It is shaped like a cruise ship. We got to stay in this really nice room overlooking the ocean. It was so nice of them to give us 2 beds. no we thought that was funny. In the end it was nice because we have a really teeny bed in our apt so I ended up in the 2nd bed after he kicked me in his sleep. I had all the room I wanted for a night!!! Not that I don't love Steve, but I also like space to sleep and I like to sprawl out on the bed. We also went to this amazing restaurant on the beach called China Beach. It had a really fun atmosphere to it. We hung around Port Lucaya and danced a little at the band stand. It was a pretty great day. We found the hotels hot tub. I love hot tubs.

I forgot to say that the whole hotel thing was supposed to be surprise, but my friend didn't know that so she mentioned it in passing. I pretended to not have a clue that saturday but finally confessed on sunday. It might have been a little mean to pretend I didn't know, but I didn't want him to think his whole surprise was not so surprising. Sunday was a surprise though. We had a bunch of friends from Ross over for dinner and we made this amazing Italian soup. I thought we were just making food for us, but sure enough right before everyone turned up I was told to go make myself presentable. (In a nice way) We ate and played darts and Steve serenaded us on the guitar. He is such a good birthday planner. The fun thing about this was being a tourist for once and just relaxing.

Right below our room was this giant chess board. I so want to get a ton of people together and play on it like on Harry Potter. When I was little my family traveled a lot and I remember seeing one of these somewhere. Wish I could remember where, but it was just so cool. I think this could prove just how dorky I am.

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