Wednesday, December 1

Saginaw Opens The Christmas Season With A Bang!

So who knew that such a boring town like Saginaw could have such a fun community activity just to start off the christmas season. A few weeks ago they had a celebration and lit the water treatment center with lights. They also opened the zoo for free and had a bunch of businesses open with activities and free cookies and a gingerbread house contest. It was lots of fun and we saw tons of friends there. Then they had a firework display that rivals the 4th of July. It was awesome. Only downside was that it was freezing. And some crazy man in a scooter cart flicked a cigarette at our friend and her baby, but no worries it didn't harm either of them! Anyway I'm so excited for winter and hey, its snowing right now! 


  1. Did I ever send you the picture of you and Steve that I took with my camera? Fun times!

  2. I don't think you did. If its better than the one I have than I would love for you to send it. Ours was ok but not the greatest quality.
