Tuesday, June 23

My-size Playland

So this was a fun day at KFC. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of their food, but their playland was big enough for us tall non-children type people. It was out in 8 mile which is the oldest settlement on the island. (I wouldn't put much emphasis on the word oldest it really looks like its falling apart and looks like the part of town nice people want to avoid). I'm pretty sure they don't get so many white folks out there. these little kids kept calling us cheesy and told us its cause we're white. I kept trying to reason with him that I'd call him by his name and I told him mine, but it just seemed to add fuel. I asked what they called people who weren't white like him and he's like "black" I'm a black Bahamian. I hate it when people come up with silly ways of adding barriers between people. It just doesn't breed good feelings for the future. Anywho we had fun and one big bonus was free AC cause its getting so hot here.

Cute little Elena was smearing her face and I'm sure saliva on the window of her plane. I hope she doesn't crash.

Wait for mama Elena. She just was having way too much fun!

I'm pretty sure Cuyler is the is the star kicker of the group but don't let him know cause he needs little to no encouragement, if ya catch my drift.
To add to the 8 mile experience we left to all these teens excitedly waving and saying goodbye. I think white peops are a commodity there. And then I noticed the doors. NO HOODS. I'm not sure what they're trying to say but for real are hoods that big a deal. Interesting thought for a day.

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