Wednesday, June 3

Scoot scooter

I know what your thinking. Where's the motorcycle, but really this is so much cheaper and still gets ya there faster than walking. We bought a scooter because everything is so far away from everything. Its fun but people always think we're tourists because we're white and all the tourists rent scooters. Add the I heart NY T-shirt and there's no explaining you live here. Anyway it makes a loud buzzing sound everywhere we go and totally ruins the element of surprise, which is fine since I gave up the whole spy job. I know it just makes Steve want a motorcycle that much more, but what can we do. We got this lovely basket on the back of it, but unfortunately the metal attached to it is only barely holding on to the scooter so its a bit ify putting stuff in it when I shop. We deemed it not secure enough to hold Steves books and computer. 


  1. You both look great! Miss you! So - I hear from you all the time and your new island is great! What does Steve think about Ross over there? How is it going? Is he ready for mini 1? Good luck Steve! Have a great time both of you!

  2. that's a cute picture of you and the scooter :)
