Monday, September 28

The Alpine Slide

This was a new one for me. I never even thought about what the ski resorts were like in the summer, but big shocker they found some ways to make money. One was the Alpine slide. Its pretty fun. There are these slides that resemble water slides going down the mountain and using a sled you slide down. The sleds have been modified slightly though. They have breaks on them. But you have to pull up to keep the breaks off. So its fairly easy to apply them. I wanted to race people down, but I must have picked the unbeatable sled both times, because I could not be beat. We also got to ride up to the top of the hill on the ski lift. Those are fun, but they strike me as a little unsafe, being so high off the ground with only a bar that those who want can put in front of them. But I think I'm the only one who noticed that. Maybe I do have a tiny fear of heights. Its actually the crash at the bottom I most want to avoid.

This is Hannah's Vampire face. She could totally be in the Twilight movie with this look.

The slide.

Our host. They are such an awesome family. Thanks for letting us tag along. It was the best party up there ever. You guys are great!

We like to pose with the skiing and snowboarder posters. We can be cool too.

Oh how I miss the snow. This bus reminds me of Park City. Breckenridge is quite similar to it. I think it might be cooler then Park City though. There's a stand in town where they sell crepes and those definitely beat anything I've seen in Park City. I like that Park City is a bit closer to people though. And the outlet mall is pretty awesome. Either way we had a rockin' great time!

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