Sunday, February 16

Felix is Born July 21 2013 Yay!

So first off my pregnancy was actually pretty good. The first trimester was a little hazy it covered thanksgiving and christmas so I was a bit queasy through the food holidays sad :( I was also so exhausted that I worked my hours came home and usually slept until I had to work again. It's funny cause Steve loves his naps and I usually don't so those months were actually pretty boring at our house since all we did is sleep. The second trimester was when I really sick Apparently I had really bad acid reflux so after a few weeks of throwing up on the way to work or sometimes at work I got on some meds and felt awesome again. and then the third trimester is when I was tired again and awkward and when I started to really hate work. My managers were actually really nice at the beginning and wouldn't let me pick up anything heavy or do quite a few things. then in the 3rd tri its like they all of a sudden forgot I was pregnant and would ask me to do things that I shouldn't and when I told them no they would stare at me all weird and I'd have to explain what a pregnant person can and can't do. I was working with some real einsteins. I worked there until 3 weeks before I felix was due. the day before we moved to Saginaw again.

Yay we had Felix on his due date. He's so punctual. So the night before he was sue we had friends over and watched Warm Bodies. Which is pretty much the only zombie movie I'll ever enjoy. then a few hours later I noticed I was having mild contractions and decided to stay up late and watch Wreck it Ralph which was very helpful in making me like the name Felix that we were sort of decided on. The next day I had contractions that got worse slowly and finally around 4 we had to go to the hospital where they have the drugs to numb the pain Yay! After a long labor he was born just after 1:00 on the 21st of July and he was healthy and squeak crying.

 He was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21.5 inches long. 

 Such a proud dad!

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